Gender: Gelding
Age: 7
Size: 15.3 Hands
Color: Chestnut
Breed: Cross
Sire: Caletino-KWPN
Dam: BB Bey Dancer - AHA
Registries: Arabian Horse Association
Train level: Second Level
Shown level: First Level
Price: For Sale: $22,500 USD
Details: Anske is a 7 year old Half-Arabian/Dutch Warmblood born on July 4 2005. His sire is the beautiful Caletino owned and standing at Quailhurst Estate and Vineyard in Sherwood Oregon. Their website is Anske is a sweet horse who loves his work and wants very much to please. He was started using natural horsemanship methods has had training using Parelli methods and has had many hours of ground training including ground driving with PVC pipes. He loves rides out of the ring and goes out weekly for rides through the woods down the road and around the fields. He is a happy athletic horse who has earned his Legion of Honor in his first show season of 2011. He was being shown Training and First Level but will show in 2012 at 2nd level while still working on shoulder-in half-pass renvers travers and flying changes. He was imprinted by his owner at birth and she regrets the though of selling him. He must go to a good home - one that will continue training him to his full potential. Anske is for sale because his owner has limited time and is presently in a demanding regime for rehabiliation of her FEI horse and is concerned that Anske receive the time he needs to continue up the levels. He is easy to load catch trim clipandlive with. Hehas in his first show season won Regional Championships and Reserve Championshipsat Training Level - Open First Level - Openand Half-Arabian Sport Horse Under Saddle. He has scored 72% and 73%s. He is a great mount for amateur or open competitors.
State: Illinois
Country: United States