Gender: Mare
Age: 7
Size: 16.2 Hands
Color: Bay
Breed: American Warmblood
Sire: Rivery Valley Mister Charlie (Shire)
Dam: Ri Dawn (TB)
Registries: American Shire Horse Association
Train level: Intermediate 1
Shown level: Prix St George Level
Price: For Sale: $35,000 USD
Details: WINTER PRICE REDUCTION I just dropped Zoeys price from 45K to 35K in an effort to get her sold before the bad winter weather hits. Maintaining horses through the winter is difficult for me as I dont have an indoor arena; so I am a very motivated seller right now. Get a competitive FEI level show horse for half the price or less of the imported European breeds and enjoy the feeling of beating those expensive warmbloods riding an off breed. Zoey can help you get your Bronze and Silver medals (at least) and at the same time take you for a gallop in the nearest field or state park. She has been ridden frequently out of the arena to include fields road riding and trail riding in state parks. She is suitable for most level riders. She has excellent training and basics and is forward-thinking. A full competition history from the USDF website is available by request. When you look at her history youll note how consistent her scores have been in each of her show years starting as a 4YO. She doesnt just have one or two high scores. Her scores are consistently in the mid to high 60s with a good number of scores above 70. She has qualified for Regional Championships in the Open Division every single year of her career and she has had placings each year. Last year she received Reserve Champion with her Third Level freestyle with a score of 70% in Region 2. Not included in the show history printout is her most recent show on the last weekend in August. These tests are available for review. She was incredible with a score of 70% in Fourth Level Test 3 (see video). This earned her the Fourth Level Championship for the show. She also performed her first two PSG tests with scores of 62.6 and 63.9% not bad for a 7YO first time out at FEI. She is headed to Reg. 4 Championships October 8-10 at Third and Fourth levels. Zoey consistently scores a 7 for gaits in the collective scores and has had a few scores of 8 for gaits. She has a fantastic uphill canter with good ability to collect (scoring a 7 and an 8 for her pirouettes last show). Her walk has remained absolutely correct in rhythm with lovely swing through her back and an overstep. And her trot is nicely forward with good reach and some suspension. She has confirmed changes up through tempi 3s. She nearly has the tempi 2s. And she has a start on single tempis. Piaffe has been started and she shows good ability for piaffe. Passage has not been attempted. I need to sell one of my horses for financial reasons. Got ourselves in some credit card debt that needs to be taken care of. Would like to find Zo a good home before the snow hits. Call or email with questions. Im always happy to talk about horses.
State: Illinois
Country: United States